I was recently reading a blog article regarding the virtues of the open hand in a fight versus a closed fist. I think this is a very interesting and important discussion. The article itself was fairly good. Most of its reasoning was well supported. However, there is a really important aspect that not one pro-open hand person has ever successfully addressed (at least to my experience). For all their pushing of the virtues of the open hand strike, they have yet to overcome the single most outstanding virtue of the closed fist. No matter how you throw it, no matter how fast and non-telegraphic, EVERY single viable open hand strike will be circular. Some might be less circular than others, but they are ALL circular to some extent.
Don't believe me? Try it. Hit a heavy bag really, really hard with an open hand. Every possible way of effectively doing it that actually transmits some power has to open up at least slightly on the delivery. If you don't, you either hurt you hand/wrist OR you only hit with partial power. Still don't believe me? Do this experiment. Videotape a sparring session with a partner. The first round only use open hand strikes. The second round use only closed fists. I guarantee the punching in the 2nd round will be more direct and leave you less open for counters. It is a fact that closed fist strikes can be delivered incredibly straight, while keeping yourself defensively covered much better than the most efficient open hand blow. Plus, it is much easier teaching someone to hit straight without exposing their heads than it is teaching them the best method of open hand striking (at least it is if you know CM).
14 years ago