I think we have, in this country, an inability to show appreciation. There seems to be a general attitude too often of "What else can you do for me?"
What brought this up today was an article I read in the local paper about the NFL's preparations for the Super Bowl, which will be held here. The article reported how the NFL is attempting to offset the energy use and greenhouse emissions involved with this undertaking by planting MILLIONS of dollars worth of trees around the country. In my book, that is a good thing. Whether they did it to buy them good publicity is, to me, a moot point. The fact is, they are doing something good. Golf claps from me.
The problem is, the article quotes a local "environmental expert" who basically says, they should do more! What a tool.
Stay with me on this. I am not saying the NFL shouldn't do more, but how about just being appreciative of the act itself for now? What if, you give someone a Christmas gift of a $50 gift certificate to that person's favorite restaurant, and instead of thanking you, they say "I wish it was $75". You tell me, how would you feel? Would be so quick next time to give that person a gift at all?
There was a great episode of Seinfeld where Jerry got great hockey playoff tickets and refused to thank the person who gave them to him. He missed out (deservedly so) on the rest of the playoffs.
All I am saying is, if someone or some organization does something positive, let's be appreciative and not so quick to criticize.
Just a thought.
14 years ago