"I just don't have time to train"
I hear this all the time. People say this as an excuse not to do some kind of strength or conditioning work, or why they don't train martial arts, or why they take pain killers to deal with back or knee aches.
It's complete crap. What people mean is, I am not willing to give up some leisure time. Everyone has some time to train. No exceptions. Don't believe me? Record your daily activity in a log for one week. Be accurate and honest. I guarantee I can find some time.
Now, that time might have to come from somewhere else. For example, instead of watching the latest episode of Family Guy (I know, I like that show too, but sacrifices have to be made). Or, instead of going to the sports bar on Sunday to watch the NFL EVERY week, you use that time to do something constructive. I have yet to meet someone, even the busiest businessman, who truly has no time. Maybe Mother Theresa. But before you throw that out as an example, ask yourself "Am I really comparing myself to Mother Theresa?"
The other aspect to this is that training time does not have to be some long marathon session. Consistent daily training of short duration will go farther than occasional long efforts done inconsistently.
One of my bread and butter training sessions is the couple of minutes every morning that I have to wait while my shower water heats up. Instead of standing there motionless, I shadowbox in front of my mirror. It is a great way to wake my body up, and it is valid training time. Now, two minutes doesn't sound like much, but think about it. Two minutes a day = 14 minutes a week = 56 minutes a month. That is almost an extra hour EVERY month of solid training. It does not interfere in anything else, and I can do it no matter how hectic my schedule is. What could you do with an extra hour?
I have other times and sessions that are similar. But rather than telling you what they are, I challenge you to find the time in your own life that you can do this. Without a doubt, I know you can do it. It just takes a little thought and the willpower to implement it.
Don't be like the other sheeple out there. Take responsibility for your life and do something constructive.
14 years ago