meta name="verify-v1" content="mxUXSoJWEFZKrtw31+uRroeKyRmf49ADfeiAbP3JB2o=" / Arizona Martial Gym: Judo

Thursday, July 09, 2009


The more I am delving into Judo and working it, the more I think it is a hugely important piece of the combat puzzle that is missed by the majority of people. I am also thinking it might be MORE important for "street self-defense" than western wrestling. Why? Because I have not been able to find too many examples of street fights where the participants were shirtless, wearing speedos, or nude!

It is a simple fact that clothing/cloth will be available and/or involved in a self-defense altercation. Ignoring the advantages that can give you is short-sighted and foolish, in my opinion.

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