A lot of discussion goes on regarding grappling with a Gi or without a Gi. There is a great deal of adamant opinions on both sides of the aisle and I don't think I will convince anyone of the superiority of one over the other. However, what I would like to do is try to get people to stop being so obsessed with the debate. Both methods work, both methods can help you accomplish your goals of being a better fighter, and both are valid. But what is most important is this; there is far more overlap between the two than there are differences.
I really get tired when everytime a new instructional comes out, someone will invariably ask "how much is no-gi?". Over and over again. The fact is; outside of throws, collar chokes, and spider guard; gi and no-gi is about 98% IDENTICAL! This isn't just my own opinion (as important as that is LOL), it is also the opinion of a friend of mine at my BJJ school. His name is Brad Peterson. He was an all-american wrestler in college, and has been doing BJJ for almost three years. If anyone should have a problem with gi, it should be him. I asked him his opinion. Basically, it was this. It takes a second to make the mental adjustment, so just train. I agree. There really is not a lot of difference, at least, not enough to make a big deal out of it. Case in point. I recently got a really good instructional set. Outside of the throws (which are strong judo takedowns) and maybe two submissions that use the skirt of the gi, everything on there can be done JUST AS WELL gi or no-gi, yet I know there are a ton of people who will never watch this set because it is "gi".
I think this mindset is far too limiting. And it goes both ways. There are just as many people who will never pay attention to a no-gi oriented set. Please don't let this be you. Learn from everything, and THINK about what you are watching. Now go put on that gi! Just kidding.
14 years ago