I enjoy MMA. I think a competitive match between fighters with heart, skill, or brains, is a joy to behold. I also think that MMA gives us many clues as to what really works in a fight or what is a good way of training your techniques.
However, I don't worship at the altar of MMA, and I am really disappointed that with it's new popularity, it has already taken a step towards big time professional sports and the problems associated with it.
For example, I am really dis-heartened by the MANY, MANY recent drug test failures by a number of fighters. Nick Diaz, Melvin Guillard, Stephen Bonnar, a guy from the IFL. and in three local California shows in a ONE WEEK period, THREE fighters failed drug tests.
Now, I am not passing judgement on their personal choices. That is between them and their own conscience. My point in bringing this up is to point how that what MMA athletes do to get better does not automatically mean it will help me. Just because a guy wins an MMA fight, does not confer on him a magic ability to teach me how to do the same thing, ESPECIALLY if he is on 'roids or meth or other performance altering drugs.
So, will I try to learn all that I can from a professional fighter? Absolutely. But it does not mean that EVERYTHING he does is applicable.
Okay, enough soap boxing for now.
14 years ago
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