meta name="verify-v1" content="mxUXSoJWEFZKrtw31+uRroeKyRmf49ADfeiAbP3JB2o=" / Arizona Martial Gym: merry xmas motherf'er

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

merry xmas motherf'er

So I am walking through a parking lot at a local mall. A guy is walking past me. Being in the holiday spirit, I smile at him and say "Merry Christmas". He looks at me like I just hawked a big, green, loogie on his face. He stops and says in a tone of complete disgust, "I am not christian!" And then walks away. I was dumbfounded. I was trying to be friendly, and was treated like I was a child molester.

Look, I don't give a crap if you are or are not religious of any faith. I like to think of this season as a peace on earth, goodwill towards man kind of thing. I didn't realize that was a religious thing. I thought it was just a nice way to act. If you are so petty and mean spirited that you cannot take a greeting in that light, you really need to examine your own pitiful life. If someone were to say "happy hanukah" to me, I would be happy, even though I am not jewish. You want to wish me meery kwanza? Cool! I will respond in the same spirit.

In the immortal words of Bill and Ted "Let's be excellent to each other" I think that transcends a particular religion. At least, I hope so.


Philip Wright said...

That’s what armbars are for. There nothing like slapping a sub on someone for bringing out their ‘Christmas’ spirit.

Philip Wright said...

I can see the exchange now...

Cecil: ‘Merry Christmas’
Random idiot: ‘I’m not a Christian!’

*scuffle as Cecil executes a flying armbar (knee recovery withstanding)*

Random idiot: ‘Arghh! Jesus Christ.’
Cecil: ‘Damn skippy. Not a christian, my ass!’

Cecil Burch said...

I purposely left that part of the story out since I didn't want people to think I was overly thuggish :)

gaz @ revolution said...

you can't help that cecil, you big thug you......