meta name="verify-v1" content="mxUXSoJWEFZKrtw31+uRroeKyRmf49ADfeiAbP3JB2o=" / Arizona Martial Gym: being non-judgemental

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

being non-judgemental

My biggest pet peeve is hypocrisy. I hate it. Say what you mean, and live it every day while understanding that we are all fallable human beings. Don't set yourself up as one thing while acting in opposite ways. One of the worst examples of hypocrisy I have noticed lately is the tendency of some people (I will not name names) who I hear on T.V. or read in newspapers or the internet have set themselves up as pundits who deride others for being judgemental. They take those of us to task who have an ethical guideline, saying we should not judge others until we walk a mile in someome else's shoes. That criticism is fine, they have that right. BUT, they generally spend an inordinate amount of time judging others on their judgement, while preaching the higher morality of non-judgement. Sorry, THAT is hypocritical and shows their own lack of personal evolution. Preach to someone else, thank you.

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