meta name="verify-v1" content="mxUXSoJWEFZKrtw31+uRroeKyRmf49ADfeiAbP3JB2o=" / Arizona Martial Gym: working around injuries

Thursday, October 12, 2006

working around injuries

So I torqued my knee pretty good two weeks ago. I did a good number on it too. I cannot put any weight on it with the knee bended (i.e. squat or crouch type motion). Since that encompass' most of the physical training stuff I do, I have been in an interesting postion. The first week I did nothing but ice and rest it, but now into the third week it is a little better and the swelling is going down. I have been going stir crazy not being able to get on the mat. I have felt like a slug, so I have tried to come up with variations of training methods I can do. Here is what I have been able to so to date.

1) jump rope - this doesn't put any stress on my injury, so this has been my bread and butter for the past week. It has been awhile since I did much of it, and I had forgotten how great it is. I think I will keep doing this regularly even after my knee is back to normal.

2) shadowboxing - I can't go very intensive, because I can't put excess stress on my knee where it hurts, but I can do it around 60% intensity, which is better than nothing.

3) breathing - this is becoming a little bit of a revelation. Focused, dedicated training of breathing patterns actually seem to be doing some good. The one I am working on now is from a book called "Bodyflow" and emphasizes exhalation while letting the inhalation just "happen". I will also keep this up, because being asthmatic, I can use whatever breathinghelp I can get.

I will update my progress in a week or so.


Cecil Burch said...

What is this REIKI you are speaking of? It sounds weird :)

gaz @ revolution said...

it's basically like the force.