Haley Knutsen is a nine year old girl who passed away last night (September 14th). She had been fighting leukemia for seven years and after three bone marrow transplants her little body couldn't handle her great fight anymore. For some reason, she touched a lot of people's lives. There are many people today mourning her.
I didn't know her. I only learned of her fight about six months ago on a local sports talk radio station. I kept track of her through her website (www.hopeforhaley.com) and donated money and kept her in my thoughts and prayers. I particularly felt for her, I think, because she is almost the exact age as my son. Everytime I thought of her struggle, I thought "there but for the grace of god". Her last wish was that the money that had been donated for her fight that had not been used would go to help another child with their fight. She is living proof that angels walk among us, whatever your religious or non-religious beliefs.
Why do I bring this up? Because, for me, at least, it is a great reminder to focus on the things that are truly important. Lately, I have found myself getting angry with others for things that they have done, not done, wrote about, posted on the internet about etc.... and this brings it home how superficial that is. The next time I read an internet post or blog that posits a different political belief than mine, I will smile and move on. The next time some a*s cuts me off in traffic, I will smile, remember Haley, and move on. The next time I come home from work angry and tired, I will grab my kids, hug them, and move on.
Here ends another installment of my ongoing work to make myself a better person. Maybe someday, I can be as good a person as a nine year old girl.
14 years ago
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