What is a GI? It is the normal training wear for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. It consists of two heavy pieces of cloth, the pants and the jacket. It is similar to a Judo uniform, the major difference being that the BJJ GI is usually a little more snug. Some of my friends dislike training with a GI on. One even calls it “un-American”. I, however, like the GI. I don’t train in it 100% of the time, but probably 60% - 70% of the time I do. Why do I like it? Here are five basic reasons.
1) Defense / escape is harder: the attacker has so many handles to control you that getting out of a bad position is infinitely harder. Just when you think you are about to get to a better position, the attacker pulls you back and you start all over again. The GI also creates a lot of friction, which slows down your escapes as well, making it easier for your opponent to react to counter you. And with all the handholds available, it opens up a world of submissions your opponent can use against you, so you have even more to worry about.
2) More offense: you have more options to attack, so you have more to play with, creating so many more opportunities of movement. Without the GI, attack is like checkers; with the GI, it is like chess.
3) Bringing him down to your level: I have found that the GI is a great equalizer against someone with superior attributes. Against an opponent who is younger, faster, stronger, better conditioned, bigger, etc. is very tough without the GI. It is more likely, in my opinion, that without the GI, the less technical but more physically gifted athlete will win. With the GI however, I can make him play more of my game and have better success using skill to beat him.
4) Hygiene: this is probably my favorite reason for the GI. I don’t know about you, but I really don’t enjoy having some guy’s sweat drip onto my face. Nor do I enjoy knowing that my own sweat is dripping onto my poor opponent. Having nice heavy cotton around most of your exposed flesh to catch sweat is a good thing. Also, the less bare skin I have exposed to other people and mats is a good idea. That is also why I wear a rashguard under my GI as well. I have seen, heard, and experienced enough horror stories about catching ringworm, impetigo, pinkeye, scabies, lice, and other diseases to scare the crap out of me. Scrupulously clean mats and clean GIs take care of a lot of that. I like that piece of mind.
5) Tournaments: On the West Coast, it is much easier to find a good GI oriented tournament to compete in than a non-GI tournament. The reverse seems true on the East Coast, but on this side of the country, GI competitions are more common. So, it makes sense to train sport specific.
Anyway, these are the main reasons I like to train GI. But you know what? If you don’t, that’s great. Do what you want to do. Train how you want to train But, please, allow me the same courtesy. Thanks.
14 years ago
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