Not much free time today, but I just wanted to leave this post for people to think about.
This past week was not a good one training wise. I hurt my knee a couple of weeks ago and it is still bothering me. My asthma has been really bad for a week or so as well, so I felt that I did not do very well at any of my training sessions, whether it was BJJ, MMA, or running/conditioning. I started to pout and think that maybe I should have skipped working out. Then I remembered a bumper sticker I saw years ago (about hunting or fishing or something like that) and transposed some words to reflect my experience. The bumper sticker went something like this: "The worst day on the mat beats the best day working". And it is true. No matter how bad your training goes, it is always a great and worthwhile experience.
Keep training, no matter what!
14 years ago
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